Solo Pirogue 12 Plans


Complete plans and written instructions for the Cumberland Rover Solo Pirogue 12. This PDF download includes 4 pages of detailed CAD drawings and eight pages of step by step written instructions. This file contains all critical dimensions and information needed to build the Solo Pirogue. This is an excellent design for the novice builder.

  • Overall Length: 12’ 2”

  • Max Beam: 30”

  • Propulsion: Paddle and Sail

  • Construction: Traditional (Solid pine sides with a 1/4” plywood bottom)

Inspired by the traditional Cajun pirogue, the Cumberland Rover Solo Pirogue 12 is a narrow beam, flat bottom canoe, designed to carry one adult on protected waters. It’s paddled from a simple cross beam seat near midship with a double bladed paddle or canoe paddle. This pirogue is also fun to sail. It requires no rudder or lee board. Like the English duck punt, it steers with a paddle and the hard chines (bottom edges) provide lateral resistance when sailing on the wind. I built my pirogue completely open, but there’s enough plywood left after planking the bottom to add decks if desired. The sides are formed from a pair of 1x10x12 pine boards, and the whole thing goes together with deck screws and construction adhesive.

Adirondack style backrest plans available as a separate download!

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Complete plans and written instructions for the Cumberland Rover Solo Pirogue 12. This PDF download includes 4 pages of detailed CAD drawings and eight pages of step by step written instructions. This file contains all critical dimensions and information needed to build the Solo Pirogue. This is an excellent design for the novice builder.

  • Overall Length: 12’ 2”

  • Max Beam: 30”

  • Propulsion: Paddle and Sail

  • Construction: Traditional (Solid pine sides with a 1/4” plywood bottom)

Inspired by the traditional Cajun pirogue, the Cumberland Rover Solo Pirogue 12 is a narrow beam, flat bottom canoe, designed to carry one adult on protected waters. It’s paddled from a simple cross beam seat near midship with a double bladed paddle or canoe paddle. This pirogue is also fun to sail. It requires no rudder or lee board. Like the English duck punt, it steers with a paddle and the hard chines (bottom edges) provide lateral resistance when sailing on the wind. I built my pirogue completely open, but there’s enough plywood left after planking the bottom to add decks if desired. The sides are formed from a pair of 1x10x12 pine boards, and the whole thing goes together with deck screws and construction adhesive.

Adirondack style backrest plans available as a separate download!

Complete plans and written instructions for the Cumberland Rover Solo Pirogue 12. This PDF download includes 4 pages of detailed CAD drawings and eight pages of step by step written instructions. This file contains all critical dimensions and information needed to build the Solo Pirogue. This is an excellent design for the novice builder.

  • Overall Length: 12’ 2”

  • Max Beam: 30”

  • Propulsion: Paddle and Sail

  • Construction: Traditional (Solid pine sides with a 1/4” plywood bottom)

Inspired by the traditional Cajun pirogue, the Cumberland Rover Solo Pirogue 12 is a narrow beam, flat bottom canoe, designed to carry one adult on protected waters. It’s paddled from a simple cross beam seat near midship with a double bladed paddle or canoe paddle. This pirogue is also fun to sail. It requires no rudder or lee board. Like the English duck punt, it steers with a paddle and the hard chines (bottom edges) provide lateral resistance when sailing on the wind. I built my pirogue completely open, but there’s enough plywood left after planking the bottom to add decks if desired. The sides are formed from a pair of 1x10x12 pine boards, and the whole thing goes together with deck screws and construction adhesive.

Adirondack style backrest plans available as a separate download!